How can I Learn to be More Patient?
Our lesson today was on becoming patient. I loved the video of Elder Uchtdorf's talk Continue in Patience. My girls loved watching the little kids and whether to eat the marshmallow now or wait for fifteen minutes and get two marshmallows instead of one!
For the handout I made this one of Jesus Christ with
I also was inspired by these cute ghosts to tie in Halloween and Elder Uchtdorf's example of the children and marshmallows. Instead of using pretzel bags and mini marshmallows I used some clear goody bags and stacked 4 regular sized marshmalloes in it. Then as I closed it up I twisted it snuggly around the marshmallows so they would stay stacked and then fastened the twisty tie. I had the excess at the bottom instead of the top.
For this lesson I also had a picture of Christ and put a large piece of paper over the top of it that was cut into puzzle pieces. The girls took turns picking a puzzle piece and reading a quote about patience that was taped to the back. As they did this a picture of the Savior was revealed to remind us to of His patience, our desire to be like Him, and the blessings we recieve from having patience.
I created this handout you can print as a photo!
How can I Guard my Virtue?
Here is the handout that I have created for my beehive beauties! Elder Holland has some very memorable phrases to help the girls know how to guard their virtue.I also created a BINGO game for the girls to play while we read all of Elder Holland's remarks. This way they have to listen to the words and match the quotes with one of the pictures in the BINGO game to play. HERE it is. There are at least 10 different BINGO boards.
I am basing most of my lesson on Sister Elaine S. Dalton's talk "Remember who you are." I love this because this is what my mom told me when I went out with my friends in high school each night. I plan on showing the video of her talk in entirety. While the girls listen to the talk I will have them write down "what the Lord wants them to be" and "what the world wants them to be" on THIS handout I have created. And once again, I compiled the beautiful handouts created by for my 4 x 6 photo handout that you can download HERE.
Why is Chastity Important?
I have the honor of teaching "Why is Chastity Important?" to the Beehives! Of course I checked out one of my favorite sites - - for some awesome handouts. I compiled her art into a 4X6 photo handout and also found THIS bit on the penny and chastity. And I came up with a handout to go with the penny object lesson as well and will be giving each girl a shiny new penny to keep in her change purse as a reminder to be virtuous!
This would be great as a VIRTUE handout for personal progress as well.
Why is Family Important?
Individual Worth #4
Handout (click the image below to download)
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