Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Can I be in the World but not of the World?

I am basing most of my lesson on Sister Elaine S. Dalton's talk "Remember who you are."  I love this because this is what my mom told me when I went out with my friends in high school each night.  I plan on showing the video of her talk in entirety.  While the girls listen to the talk I will have them write down "what the Lord wants them to be" and "what the world wants them to be" on THIS handout I have created.  And once again, I compiled the beautiful handouts created by for my 4 x 6 photo handout that you can download HERE









Saturday, August 24, 2013

chastity and virtue

I have the honor of teaching "Why is Chastity Important?" to the Beehives! Of course I checked out one of my favorite sites - - for some awesome handouts.  I compiled her art into a 4X6 photo handout and also found THIS bit on the penny and chastity. And I came up with a handout to go with the penny object lesson as well and will be giving each girl a shiny new penny to keep in her change purse as a reminder to be virtuous! 
This would be great as a VIRTUE handout for personal progress as well.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

beehive advising

I am no longer the Personal Progress Leader in my ward, but that doesn't mean I can't still be a personal progress cheerleader!  I plan on providing a value experience for the girls to do each Sunday that I teach.  They will have the opportunity to reflect on what they've learned as they take a few minutes at the end of class to complete it.  Just check out the Lesson tab to get handouts and value experience journal cards.  I don't teach every Sunday, but you wouldn't want to do personal progress every time, it would be a bit of an over kill!