Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Can I be in the World but not of the World?

I am basing most of my lesson on Sister Elaine S. Dalton's talk "Remember who you are."  I love this because this is what my mom told me when I went out with my friends in high school each night.  I plan on showing the video of her talk in entirety.  While the girls listen to the talk I will have them write down "what the Lord wants them to be" and "what the world wants them to be" on THIS handout I have created.  And once again, I compiled the beautiful handouts created by for my 4 x 6 photo handout that you can download HERE









1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jaime! I tried the link to print the "What does the Lord/World Want Me to Be" but wasn't successful. Could you possibly email it to me? THANK YOU so much!
